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Section: Catholic Social Teaching in Medicine

What Catholic Social Teaching Says About the Status of Embryos Part Two

Part Two: Chemical Abortifacients and the Human Embryo By Angela Lanfranchi MD, FACS   It is estimated that about 53% of all induced abortions in the U.S. and 60% of all abortions completed before 10 weeks gestation are caused by abortifacients. An induced abortion of an embryo or fetus up to 11 weeks is achieved […]

What Catholic Social Teaching Says About the Status of Embryos Part One

Part One: The Effects of Reproductive Technologies and Research on the Human Embryo By Angela Lanfranchi MD, FACS   According to Catholic Social Teaching, we are called to revere all human life in all its stages and forms including the youngest embryo. This teaching has deep roots in our Catholic Faith. It is based upon […]

The Dignity of Work

By Dr. Frederick Fakharzadeh   Beneath the primary principles of human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity are several themes of Catholic Social Teaching, including the Dignity of Work. Work is greater than a utilitarian activity. For as Saint Paul VI wrote in Gaudium et Spes, “…when a man works he not only alters things and society, […]

Physician Assisted Suicide from the Perspective of Catholic Social Teaching

By Dr. Mary Keen Kirchoff   In several state assemblies, legislation has been introduced to legalize what its advocates, the group Compassion and Choices, call “medical aid in dying (MAid).” This practice is better known to us as physician assisted suicide or death by prescription, and its advocates may be better known to us under […]

Be True to Who You Are

By Gina G. La Prova, M.D.   One of my favorite quotes is by the devout Catholic Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia, who answered the following to a question regarding his friendship with Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg, “I attack ideas. I don’t attack people. Some very good people have some very bad ideas. […]

Preserving Human Dignity in the Science and Art of Medicine — Imago Dei

By Charlie Peters, M.D. Throughout human history, physicians have played an essential role in preserving human dignity and promoting the common good. Many Christian physicians understand their vocations as healers modeled after that of the Divine Healer, Our Lord Jesus Christ. From the time of the Middle Ages, society’s language has reflected this critical work […]

What Imago Dei Means for Treatment of Addiction

By Dr. David Galbis-Reig, DFASAM As an internal medicine physician with a subspecialty in addiction medicine, other colleagues, patients, and family members of patients have often asked me, “Why did you choose to become an ‘addiction doctor’?” My response is quite simple: I want to free people from the shackles that prevent them from experiencing […]

A Catholic’s Perspective on Racism and Critical Race Theory

By Dr. Charles Peters   Catholic social teaching has a long and rich history which is firmly grounded on the three-legged stool of the principles of human dignity, solidarity and subsidiarity. The Church has spoken powerfully against racism for over five centuries. In our times, great social turmoil has arisen from the promulgation of critical […]

Catholic Social Teaching: A Marvelous Gift to Health Care

By Dr. Frederick Fakharzadeh   Catholic Social Teaching (CST) offers an effective framework to evaluate the structures of society. The three basic principles: human dignity, solidarity, and subsidiarity all need to be considered as we aim to serve the common good, which is always ordered to the fulfillment of the human person.   Balance is essential […]

Building a Better Future for All by Embracing Human Life

They demand making love felt and working to alleviate the material impoverishments that threaten human dignity.