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President’s Message

My View from the Presidency

September 22, 2023

By Dr. Craig Treptow


Someone recently asked me what was the most joyful thing I found during my presidency. Good question. My first conference was 2010 in Springfield, Illinois. I have seen 11 Presidents say goodbye since then. Many have gotten emotional or choked up a little when doing so. It is easy to do. Why is that?

I think it is because of the love we have for this organization. But more than that, as President you have a unique breathtaking view of this organization that completely and totally astounds and awes a person by the breadth and depth of the things the CMA is involved in. The countless volunteer hours spent by its committees, state directors, guild presidents and members; the courage and faithfulness of those who serve; the willingness to fight the culture at large for the benefit of our patients.

Here is a key: There is NO organization quite like the CMA…not our specialty organizations, not the AMA, not our state medical societies. So, if you are not a member of the CMA, I encourage you to sign up to become a member. You will not be disappointed. And if you have partners back in your practice who are Catholic, encourage them to do the same. I have been disappointed by the AMA. I have been disappointed in the American Academy of Family Physicians wondering if I should or even could continue as a member. I have not been disappointed by the CMA

So, my greatest joy has been to have the privilege to see behind the scenes, to have that elevated vantage point, and understand the great good the CMA is doing and will continue to do, and to recognize that the Holy Spirit has been guiding us all along, and will continue to do so if we remain faithful.

President Dr. Craig Treptow is a diplomate of the American Board of Family Medicine and sees patients of all ages in Great Falls, Montana.

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