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Applying Catholic Social Teaching to Medicine

Healing the Inequities in Medicine

Recognizing the inequities in the provision of healthcare, the leadership of the Catholic Medical Association created the Committee on Catholic Social Teaching and Justice in Medicine to address them.

A Catholic View of Social Justice

Catholics must be part of a positive counter cultural movement by putting into action the principles of Catholic social teaching.

The Antithesis of Catholic Social Teaching

Five years ago, Catholics for Choice launched a public relations campaign called “Abortion in Good Faith.” In it, the group claims that “public funding for abortion is a Catholic social justice value.” Today a Catholic president has reinstated federal funding for abortion and rescinded the Mexico City Policy, which prohibits U.S. funding of abortion internationally. It leads us to a critical question: What is Catholic social teaching and is it opposed to abortion and the public funding of abortion?

The Dangers of Removing Conscience Protection

The last decade has witnessed an increasing momentum behind eliminating protections, exceptions and accommodations for objecting to medical standards in the name of conscience. Who are the leading opponents of conscience protections, and what would happen to medicine if they had their way? Those were the questions answered at the latest meeting of the CMA’s Virtual Journal Club.  

CMA to Join Forces with Global Strategic Operatives to Eradicate Human Trafficking

Healthcare providers in emergency rooms, clinics, and private practice have the rare opportunity to identify and rescue sex trafficked women and children — an opportunity often missed because of a lack of awareness and training.

The John Paul II Medical Research Institute: Finding an Ethical Response to COVID-19

The Institute moved to take on a COVID-19 vaccine project; clearly a long-term solution was needed. The JP2MRI researchers identify this long-term solution as a vaccine developed in a moral and ethical way using traditional recombinant protein or killed/attenuated live virus methods.

President's Message

This new year brings new challenges and new opportunities to advocate for change that unites; to educate our members and the public on a Catholic response to healthcare issues; and to serve our neighbors in need.

Chaplain's Corner

We do not have to travel to faraway places to encounter Jesus in others, because He is present in our family members, neighbors, coworkers, and patients. Because of the pandemic, additional challenges have arisen concerning our neighbors, especially the elderly and sick.

A Tribute to the Late Dr. Rodney Johnson

The Catholic Medical Association has lost a committed member and guild president. Dr. Rodney Johnson served the CMA as an active member and as president of the Washington State Guild in Seattle. After a 40-day hospitalization, he passed away on January 13 following complications from COVID-19.

The Tampa Bay Guild Remains Steadfast and Hopeful Despite Pandemic

CMA’s Tampa Bay Guild of St. Philomena ended 2020 with its annual White Mass October 24, in the Chapel of the Holy Cross at Jesuit High School in Tampa, Florida. It began 2021 with the 5th Annual Florida Catholic Medical Association Retreat and Bioethics & Legislative Conference Feb. 19–21. Many more exciting initiatives are underway.

Ohio Guilds of the CMA: Praying Together in a Time of Crisis

During a time of stress and isolation for many, the ongoing pandemic is prompting guilds to think outside the box in order to build community and support each other. To that end, the Catholic Medical Association Guilds of Columbus, Cincinnati, Dayton, Cleveland and Toledo gathered virtually for an evening of prayer.

Operation THRIVE: Equipping Students to Face Today’s Ethical Dilemmas

Attending medical school as a faithful Catholic in the contemporary era has become increasingly difficult. Catholic medical students encounter challenging moral situations across all medical specialties throughout their education, whether in the lecture hall and small group discussions in the preclinical years or on the wards during clinical rotations.

Previous Issues

Winter 2020

The Election Issue

Summer 2020

Responding to the COVID-19 Pandemic

Spring 2020

Medicine's Integrity: Reclaiming the Patient-Doctor Relationship

All Issues